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Dissemination of Research Results


This section offers a brief presentation of the Principal Investigator’s various studies on the project title and a list of academic exchanges between Mainland and overseas academics, accompanied by introductions to these studies and reports on the exchanges.

Related Publications and Other Research Outputs of the Principal Investigator

專書 Monograph

Yeung Man Shun, An American Pioneer of Chinese Studies in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Benjamin Bowen Carter as an Agent of Global Knowledge (Leiden and Chicago: Brill, 2021). 447 pages.

This cutting-edge book presents the fruits of over 10 years of research on the early history of Americans learning Chinese in the context of early China-US relations. It will become an internationally leading work in this research domain. The Rhode Islander Benjamin Bowen Carter (1771–1831) was one of the earliest Americans to speak and read Chinese. He studied Chinese in Canton (Guangzhou) at the beginning of the nineteenth century and advocated its use in diplomacy decades before America established a formal relationship with China. Drawing on rediscovered manuscripts and archival documents, the book reconstructs Carter’s multilingual learning experience, reveals how he helped translate an American diplomatic document into Chinese, describes his interactions with European sinologists such as Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat (1788–1832), and traces his attempts to convince the US government and American academics of the practical and cultural value of Chinese studies. Indeed, Carter’s story forces a rewriting of the history of the earliest years of US-China relations. The cross-cultural perspective employed in this book emphasizes the reciprocal dynamics of Carter’s relationships with Chinese and European “others”. The book also explores previously unknown details of teaching and learning among the Chinese serving as language instructors and the British learning community in Canton. By investigating these specific historical cases, this book attempts to break through the barrier between the study of language and the study of history and to include in its discussions various academic topics, such as cross-cultural interactions, Chinese language education and Sino-American relations, Americans’ acquaintance with China and the Chinese language, the Western communities in Canton, translation of language and culture, and dissemination and exchange of knowledge on a global scale. Therefore, this book will attract the attention of a wide range of readers all over the world, such as language teachers and learners, educators, academics, sinologists, archivists, historians, linguists, translators, diplomats, academic libraries, (post-graduate) students, book lovers, cultural theorists, and Chinese and American general readers. The book’s table of contents is available on Brill’s website (


國際學術會議發表論文 Papers Presented at International Academic Conference
  1. 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society: 11-18 March, 2021, U.S.A. (held virtually)
    Paper Title: Anglo-American Rivalry at Canton and the First Chinese Translation of an American Official Document in 1805
    Program (page 13):

  2. 2022 Hawai'i International Conference on Chinese Studies: 3-5 January, 2022, U.S.A. (held virtually)
    Paper Title: A Key to Learning Chinese: The Dictionary Hán-tzé-sin-yih and the Anglophone Students in Canton, 1805–1815
    Program (page 10):


Public Lecture
  • Public Lecture Series, Department of History at Sun Yat-sen University, 5 July 2022, Guangzhou, China (held virtually).
    Title: Inheritance and Innovation: A Re-examination of the History of Chinese-language Education among the British Community at Canton around the Beginning of the 19th Century 承傳與創新——19世紀開端前後廣州英國社群漢語學習史的再考察
    Report on the Lecture: 〈紀要 | 承傳與創新——19世紀開端前後廣州英國社群漢語學習史的再考察〉(19 July 2022)


國內外有關本項目的介紹/評論 Book Reviews on the Monography
  1. Edward Weech’s review, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 33, Issue 2 (April 2023), pp. 545-548 [Published online by Cambridge University Press:  24 May 2022. DOI:]

  2. Shuai Siyang (帥司陽) ’s review, Journal of Translation Studies 翻譯學報 (New Series), Volume 6, Number 2 (December 2022), pp. 212-216.


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Teaching and Learning Chinese in Canton and Macao in 1805-15: Abel Yen, the Dictionary Han-tze-sin-yih and the Anglo-American Community

Last updated: July 2023


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